提高饮水的质量应该是养猪场的常规性工作,用高质量的饮水为猪的健康奠定基础,从而保证猪良好的生长状态。饮水的质量对生产效益的影响经常被大家忽略。 养殖管理者一般都十分了解每头猪每天饲料的摄入量。然而对于每头猪每天的最适饮水量却不一定清楚。 仔猪一天需要消耗一升水,而一只养成猪一天在进食1公斤饲料的同时需要摄入2-3升水。很显然的水之重要的营养之一,对于猪的饵料转化率,日增重量起着至关重要的作用。所以提高饮水的质量不仅仅要做到饮水消毒,还需要提高饮水的水质,从而促进动物消化道对饲料中营养的洗手,从而起到促进生长的效果。.
There is one thing that all pig farmers all over the world have in common and that is the determination to build a profitable business out of their pig production.
In order to achieve that goal the performance level of the pigs at every stage (sows, piglets, growers and finishers) is crucial. A combination of different parameters will of course determine that level of performance (housing, feed, management, biosecurity, etc.) but the n°1 priority that weighs over all other parameters is health. Without healthy animals the cost-price of most of the other actions will be in vein and not result into a return on investment.
Increasing the quality of drinking water should be a standard operation on a pig farm in order to improve the pig’s health and therefore its performance. Water is still a much underestimated parameter when it comes to its influence on health and production. A farmer will know exactly how much feed his animals take in per day but sometimes has little knowledge on the daily water consumption of his pigs. A suckling piglet can take up to 1L/day already and finishers will need 2 to 3 L of water per day to take in 1kg of feed. It’s very clear that water is a nutrient and will have a great impact on feed conversion, daily gain, health etc. So it will not only reduce the bacterial load in the water but will also improve digestibility and absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract of the pigs.
Increasing and monitoring the quality of drinking water should be a standard operation on a pig farm in order to improve the pig’s health and therefore its performance.