
Submitted by superadmin on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 11:37
Content blocks

Partnerzone Disclaimer + Privacy

This partner zone is the property of CID LINES N.V.

  • Contact:
  • Address of our headquarter: Waterpoortstraat 2 – 8900 Ieper (België)
  • Telephone: 057/21.78.77
  • E-mail:
  • Company number: BTW BE 0435 921 958

This present document is to define the general conditions in which CID LINES NV provides to its users (hereafter named “Users”) contents available on the “Partner Zone” (hereafter named “Zone”)

By using or accessing the contents of the Zone in any way, viewing or browsing the content of the Zone, Users agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

Intellectual Property

The Zone and all of its original content, including brands, trademarks, logos, drawings, data, product or company names, texts, pictures etc. belong only to CID LINES N.V. (hereafter named “CID LINES”) and are, as such, fully protected by the appropriate international copyright and other intellectual property rights laws.

Users shall have no property rights in any content of the Zone.

Users undertakes not to challenge directly or indirectly the validity of CID LINES’s rights, in any manner, in any country, for any goods and services and Users accept that all the rights which may rise by the use of the content of the Zone shall profit at the end solely to CID LINES.

Users forbids themselves to register any content of the Zone as trademark or as any other Intellectual property right.

Users undertakes to use the content of the Zone in a serious and honest way. They shall not alter, or translate, or change of any kind the content of the Zone and undertakes to respect the graphic charts. More generally, they will abstain from any act that could harm the intellectual property rights of CID LINES.

Limitation of Liability

The information on the Zone is of a general nature.

The information is not adapted to personal or specific circumstances and therefore can not be considered as personal, professional or legal advice to the user.

CID LINES N.V. makes every effort to ensure that the information provided is complete, correct, accurate and updated. Despite these efforts, errors may occur in the information provided. If the information provided contains inaccuracies or if certain information isn’t vacant, CID LINES N.V. will make every effort to rectify this as soon as possible.

CID LINES N.V., however, can not be held liable for direct or indirect damage arising from use of the information on this Zone. If you discover errors in the information made available through the Zone, you can contact the administrator of the Zone.

The content of the Zone (including links) may at any time change without notice or notification, be amended or supplemented. CID LINES NV does not guarantee the proper functioning of the Zone and can not be held liable in any way for the improper functioning or temporary (un) availability of the Zone or for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from access to or use of the website. CID LINES NV can in no case against anyone, direct or indirect, special or otherwise be liable for damages resulting from the use of this site or another, especially as a result of links or hyperlinks, including, without limitation, all losses, work interruptions, damage to programs or other data on the computer system, hardware, software or other of the user.

CID LINES N.V. expressly states that it has no control over the content or other characteristics of these Zone and can not be held liable in any way for the content or features thereof or for any other form of damage from its use.


CID LINES N.V. attaches importance to your privacy.

In case of asking personal information to the website-user:

The responsible  [CID LINES N.V. , Waterpoortstraat 2-8900 Ieper] respects the Belgian law of December 8, 1992 regarding the protection of privacy in the processing of personal data.

The personal information provided by you will be used for the following purposes: to provide you access to the partner zone, to keep you informed of our presence at exhibitions in which you're interested ....

You have the legal right to access and correct personal data. You can receive a written notice of your personal data, subject to proof of identity (copy identity card) while use a written, dated and signed request to CID LINES N.V., Waterpoortstraat 2-8900 Ieper,,. If necessary you can also ask to correct data that are incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant.

CID LINES N.V. may collect anonymous or aggregated data of a non-personal nature, such as browser type or IP address, the operating system you use or domain name of the website from which you linked to the partner zone, or through which you are leaving. This enables us to continuously optimize the partner zone for users.

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