Alco Cid Wipes

Submitted by superadmin on Fri, 10/23/2020 - 15:41
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  • - disinfecting wipes
  • - intermediate disinfection
  • - bactericidal, levuricidal and virucidal action
  • - food industry (PT4) and health care sector (PT2)
Product information
Availability Not all CID LINES products are available in all countries.For information about availability of a specific product, please contact your CID LINES dealer Use biocides safely. Before using, read the label and product information.
Product description

Alco Cid Wipes are ready to use disinfecting wipes for hard surfaces, equipment and materials in the food industry. Ideal for the disinfection of surfaces and equipment which cannot be disinfected with an aqueous solution or that need a fast intermediate disinfection. Alco Cid Wipes can only be applied on small surfaces that are alcohol-resistant.

Technical information

Clean the surfaces thoroughly and let dry.
Wipe the surface to be treated with Alco Cid Wipes.
Make sure that the surface stays wet the entire contact time.
Contact time: 1 minute for a bactericidal, levuricidal and virucidal action.

Country access
Product intro
Disinfecting wipes for intermediate disinfection.