Keno™pure RTU

Submitted by superadmin on Fri, 10/23/2020 - 15:41
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  • cleaning & sanitising
  • skin conditioning
  • versatile use
  • ready to use
Product information
Use biocides with precaution. Before any use, read the label and the information concerning the product. Availability Not all CID LINES products are available in all countries.For information about availability of a specific product, please contact your CID LINES dealer
Product description
All the necessary steps of a complete pre-milking hygiene procedure are realized with Keno™pure RTU: cleaning, sanitizing and softening the teats before milking. Thanks to its fast action (30 seconds contact time only), Keno™pure RTU is easy to include in your milking process. Keno™pure RTU is ready to use so there is no need to dilute.
Technical information
Keno™pure RTU is ready to use
Country access
United Kingdom
Product intro
The best pre-treatment for every milking.