DM Clean Extra

Submitted by superadmin on Thu, 08/06/2020 - 16:04
Image slider
  • - non foaming CIP cleaner
  • - cleaning of storage tanks, tubular systems and cip installations
  • - degreasing capacity
  • - foam inhibiting components
Product information
Availability Not all CID LINES products are available in all countries.For information about availability of a specific product, please contact your CID LINES dealer
Product description

Strong alkaline non foaming cleaner for the entire food industry.

Technical information
  • Dosage: 0.5-2%
  • Contact time: 10-20 min
  • Temperature: 10-80 ° C
  • Rinse
Product intro
Excellent degreasing capacity and extra foam inhibiting components!
25 kg
1000 kg