
Submitted by superadmin on Thu, 08/20/2020 - 14:23
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  • 首先,产品必须要在养殖场环境中有效。必须能适应养殖场中高油污、高温,高湿度的限制。
  • 第二,产品必须性价比高。因为皮肤的护理消毒工作将是一项日常性的工作。
  • 同时很重要的一点,产品不能含有抗生素。(只有不断控制预防性抗生素的使用才能不断降低抗生素在生产动物中的残留,减少耐药性病原的产生,保证抗生素药品在治疗时的有效性) 



When talking about the disinfection of the skin, it could be considered by some as a treatment that only occurs occasionally in livestock production. However when we take a closer look we see that the reality tells us a different story. Consulting visits with farm managers and veterinarians that work on a day-to-day basis in intensive livestock production, reveals us the bare necessity of a good skin disinfectant that can be used routinely and implemented in standardized treatment protocols. 

The modern pig production is constantly challenged by for example legislation, public opinion, variable meat prices, disease outbreaks, export restrictions, animal welfare etc. To overcome these challenges the industry is also driving on innovation and cost benefit solutions.

Skin disinfection solutions make no exception to the rule. For modern pig and farming an antiseptic product should comply with 3 major parameters: 

  • First of all the product must work in real farm conditions where animals are confined, a lot of manure, heat and humidity can occur.

  • Secondly the product must be economic in use hence it will be used routinely for piglet treatment. Last but not least skin disinfectants should be free of antibiotics.

  • By eliminating routine, non-therapeutic uses of antibiotics, the meat industry can reduce the potential for antibiotic resistance and ensure these important drugs remain effective for treating when necessary. 

CID LINES has developed a unique skin disinfectant spray which combines those 3 parameters named “KENOFIX”. 

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