Keno™ mint SD

Submitted by superadmin on Wed, 10/21/2020 - 15:40
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Product information
Use biocides with precaution. Before any use, read the label and the information concerning the product. Availability Not all CID LINES products are available in all countries.For information about availability of a specific product, please contact your CID LINES dealer
Product description
Keno™mint SD is spray version of Keno™mint. Keno™mint is a teat dip solution based on chlorhexidine. Keno™mint contains Menthae arvensis. Active substances notified under directive 98/8 / EC:chlorhexidine digluconate
Technical information
  • Keno™mint SD is ready to use.
  • Application as a teat dip/spray:
  • Keno™mint SD is suitable for dipping or spraying immediately after each milking.
Country access
Product intro
For smooth and silky soft teats!