Keno™cid 2100

Submitted by superadmin on Fri, 10/23/2020 - 15:41
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  • Acid disinfectant for CIP installations
  • Based on peracetic acid (15%) and hydrogen peroxide
  • Strong oxidizer
Product information
Use biocides with precaution. Before any use, read the label and the information concerning the product. Availability Not all CID LINES products are available in all countries.For information about availability of a specific product, please contact your CID LINES dealer
Product description

Keno™cid 2100-15% is a concentrated combined cleaner and disinfectant for application in C.I.P.-systems.. Keno™cid 2100-15% is based on 15% peracetic acid, 20 % hydrogen peroxide, stabilizers and wetting agents.

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Product intro
Acid disinfectant for CIP installations
25 kg
220 kg