Salmonella prevalence

Submitted by superadmin on Thu, 08/20/2020 - 14:23
Salmonella prevalence
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Salmonella prevalence

Cause and Effect of Salmonella

A few years later of the dramatic increase of human cases of salmonellosis,  several studies show that the EC regulation did not miss its effect on Salmonella prevalence.
In a field study in the Netherlands (Van Der Fels-Klerx HJ et al., 2008) for example data was collected during the period 2002 through 2005 and from six sampling points in the chain, covering hatchery up to and including processing.

Trends in Salmonella prevalence over years and seasons were analyzed as well as the effect of slaughterhouse capacity on these trends. In addition, correlations between the occurrences of Salmonella at the various sampling points were calculated. The results showed a decreasing trend of Salmonella prevalence from 2002 through 2005 at all sampling points.

One Battle Does Not Win a War

EFSA also confirms a drop in the average salmonellosis cases since the implementation of the control plan however there is no reason to contemplate.
It must be considered as the first steps in the right direction. Yes we are off to a good start but there is still a lot of work to be done at every level (hatcheries, farms, transport and slaughterhouses).

Reducing Salmonella in the poultry production will be a constant battle on all fronts and the strategy for a combative program must become an automatism in all countries throughout the whole production chain. So it’s needless to say vigilance and proactivity is still very much required on a daily basis to control Salmonella.

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