Testimonial of our Poultry Specialist Joanne McStraw

Submitted by superadmin on Tue, 09/15/2020 - 14:10
Testimonial of our Poultry Specialist Joanne McStraw
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I believe in hygiene that is why I have dedicated the last 10 years of my working career to improving hygiene practices in the Agri-Food industries.  My particular interest is in poultry production, what inspired me to work in the food industry was the simple fact that there will always be a demand for good quality, high welfare and accessible protein products.

I believe in hygiene that is why I have dedicated the last 10 years of my working career to improving hygiene practices in the Agri-Food industries.  My particular interest is in poultry production, what inspired me to work in the food industry was the simple fact that there will always be a demand for good quality, high welfare and accessible protein products. With an innate desire for high welfare of both animals and humans I was drawn into the world of Agri-Food production with a deep desire to impact and improve hygiene practices and biosecurity controls. For me ‘Todays Food Fuels Our Future Generations’.

The poultry industry has invested heavily and continues to work hard to monitor and reduce the need for antibiotics. Raised hygiene standards, clean drinking water and top level biosecurity controls are key parameters in this overall aim of reducing antibiotic resistance. The second passion I have is to support the industry in finding an alternative chemical solution for the disinfection of hatching eggs in the hatchery environment, this will reduce the requirement for using formalin. I have a keen desire to support the poultry industry to investigate, trial and ultimately move to alternative solutions with overall benefits.

Joining CID LINES as a Technical Product Manager working in Europe alongside my long-time colleague Maeve Moran; we have been given the platform for the development of the NEXT STEP for Agri-Food hygiene practices. The work we are completing will deliver an overall antimicrobial rating score leading to reduce requirement for antibiotic usage.

For my second passion in finding an alternative for formalin in the hatchers; CID LINES have already found a true alternative. The CID LINES solution uses the CID LINES spray nozzles to deliver consistent application of the optimum droplet size solution. The system applies VIROCID, the uniquely formulated and highly concentrated, worldwide approved disinfectant.  Virocid together with the automated system delivers consistent results, is proven safe for human health (MEL) and ultimately assists in better quality day old chicks with lower mortality results in first week of life cycle.

Joanne McStraw, Technical Product Manager – Animal Health

If you ‘believe in hygiene’ too then speak to a member of the CID LINES team today!

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