
Submitted by superadmin on Thu, 08/06/2020 - 16:04
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  • based on an active iodine complex 3000 PPM
  • registered as veterinary medicine in 13 E.U. countries
  • for mastitis prevention
  • broad spectrum activity
  • gentle for the skin
  • economic in use (non dripping)
Product information
Availability Not all CID LINES products are available in all countries.For information about availability of a specific product, please contact your CID LINES dealer. Kenostart, 3 mg/g iodine, Teat dip solution for cattle (dairy); Indications for use, specifying the target species: Teat disinfection as a part of a prevention strategy for mastitis in cattle. Contraindications: In case of known hypersensitivity to iodine or to other ingredients of the product, the product must not be used. Adverse reactions: none known. This veterinary medicinal product is for topical application, significant absorption does not occur. Withdrawal period: Meat and Offal: zero days Milk: zero days. Marketing authorisation holder and manufacturer: CIDLINES N.V., Waterpoortstraat 2, 8900 Ieper, Belgium. Tel +32(0)57 21 78 77, Fax +32(0)57 21 78 79, mail: Date instruction leaflet: 05/03/06.
Product description

Kenostart®, is a teat dip registered as medicinal product in 13 countries in Europe. It is indicated for teat disinfection as part of a prevention strategy for mastitis in cattle. Its formulas and physical characteristics have been developed to obtain the optimum results: broad spectrum activity (more bactericidal iodine available till the next milking), gentle for the skin (pH 5,2; high percentage of emollients) and economic in use (non dripping).

Technical information
  • The product is supplied ready to use as a teat dip.
  • The dip cup should hold at least 5ml of dip.
  • Dip each teat immediately after milking.
  • Ensure that the teat is completely covered to three quarters of its length.
  • The dip cup should be replenished as necessary.
  • The dip cup should be emptied after treatment and washed before reuse.
  • The product is meant to be used as a post-milking teat dip up to two times per day.
  • If signs of disease appear or persist, consult a veterinary surgeon. Wash hands after use.

Country access
United Kingdom
North America
Approval number
Product intro
For premium teat conditioning!