Robotic System Farmer Experience

Submitted by superadmin on Thu, 08/20/2020 - 14:23
Robotic System Farmer Experience
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Robotic System Farmer Experience

Mike Clear jest znanym mistrzem w dziedzinie robotów rolniczych i jest szczególnie dobrze znany z systemu robotów wypasanych, który jednostka wykorzystuje.

Now calving seasonally and with an almost 50:50 split between autumn and spring, the farm runs 120 pedigree Jersey cows through three Fullwood Merlin robots, targeting an optimum number of 140 cows in the near future. The farm averages 7,000 litres/cow and supplies raw milk through an on-site vending machine, meaning that the highest possible standard are needed in both dairy hygiene and milk quality.

The robot stalls operate with the standard brush wash system pre-milking and here, Mike is pleased with CID Lines foaming pre-dip Keno™pure which provides the perfect balance of cleaning, disinfection and teat condition. However, it is in the use of Kenocidin post-spray that Mike has seen the biggest difference. He said:

“Our coliform bacteria count was too high and milk quality needs to be very high for the retail market. Keno™pure started the process of reducing the levels but we needed to look at post-spray. I do not like using iodine because of the effect on teat condition so using a chlorhexidine-based spray suited our system”.

After speaking to Farm & Country Supplies, their local distributors of CID Lines products, they decided on a plan.

“We were happy with Keno™pure pre-foam so trusted the brand. We knew that we needed a consistent, spray quality, high disinfection level and maintenance of the great teat condition we were already seeing. Kenocidin seemed to fit the bill”.

Mike added:

“Since starting to use Kenocidin, we have seen the coliform count drop by over 85%, something we are really happy with”. 

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